Basic Rules of 1860’s Base Ball

Bound Rule: The Eclipse, like most vintage base ball clubs, use the pre-1865
“bound rule” in which a batter is out if his/her struck ball is caught, fair or
foul, on one bounce. Runners are not required to but may advance at will
on such plays.
Overrunning First Base: A difficult rule for new vintage ballists to become
accustomed to is that first base may not be overrun. Usually, it takes only
one occurrence of being tagged out to become accustomed. During wet
conditions, this rule is sometimes loosened by mutual agreement to avoid
Fair/Foul: A ball is declared fair or foul by where it first strikes the ground,
regardless of its path thereafter.
Stealing on the Muff: Base runners are free to lead off base and can be picked
off. Open stealing is not allowed. The Eclipse utilize the ruling, however,
which allows “stealing on the muff.” If the catcher drops a pitched ball (a
muff) or any other occurrence where the ball hits the gound more than one
time on a pitched ball, base runners are free to attempt a steal.
No Free Backs: In modern-day baseball, a foul which has touched the ground
is considered ‘dead.’ Most vintage base ball clubs use the “No free backs”
ruling in which runners must return to their base before a member of the
fielding club in possession of the retrieved foul ball (which must also have
been touched by the hurler) can touch that base.